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Why don't you build a large test facility before starting a pre-sale?We believe that many technical challenges have already been solved and that we will find pilot customers who see it the same way. Keep in mind that auto-replication is a completely new kind of offering. Scientific validators of our technology cannot anticipate customer reaction and it is not their job, also. But scientific validators can also not approve for state funding, when there is missing clarity about market adoption. We need your commitment to proceed in this journey.
Where can I find more technical information?We will be publishing a whitepaper shortly. You can register for our newsletter and receive the whitepaper in your mailbox first.
What obligations are associated with a pre-order?None. You will be listed at the top, but you are not entering into any obligations. You are showing us your appreciation for the product. This is the wind in our sails that we need to realise the market launch.
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